Has a multi-talented artist, she is choreographer who interprets art pieces in her own language, somewhere
between the universes of theatre and dance.
Her career began in the universe of classical dance at “the Académie
Princesse Grace de Monaco.”
She quickly finds herself moving towards more modern and contemporary dance interpretations as she attends several training classes at SPID
(Scuola Professionale Italian Danza) in Milan, “Coline Profession” interprete contemporain in Marseille, and “ rototypes Royaumont" Formation pour Choregraphes Professionelles in Paris.
She has been a performer for “Baletto Civile de Micela Lucenti”, the predominant group for physical theatre in Italy, since 2010.
In 2011, together with Carlo Massiari, she created “C&C”, a company which has, over the years, won a large number of major prizes, both national and international.
Chiara develops her own language showcasing through her work the talents of an independent artist working together with Henrique Furtado Viera of Portugal, musician, Marion Alzieu and saxophonist, Alexandra Grimal of France.
Today, she’s also perfecting her teaching skills by constantly reinventing her methods during her courses and workshops. In 2018, she conducted a beginners course “I dance strange” and was designated by I “Teatri di Roma” in Italy to act as a contributor to the training course for teenagers and children “Allez Enfants!”.
She is a dance teacher in various schools in Monaco and also pursues a yoga training course specialising in pre and post natal yoga, as well as partnering Yoga.
Her philosophy is that the value of body language and the language of the universe know no limitation to the imagination.

Passionate about the art of dance and choreography since putting on her very first ballet shoes at the age of 9, Virginie is today the co-director of the Monaco-based Atelier 26.
From her young age, she has been captivated by the sixth art and obtained excellent results from the International Sport Studies programme she completed at the AID (Academie International de la Danse). Following this, she attended the prestigious “Royal Ballet School” where she was acclaimed for her various performances over the years.
As a true artist, her passion for the exploration of different genres of dance has taken her on a journey from Classical dance to Modern, Post-modern and Hip Hop. Virginie has participated in numerous choreography projects together with
famous choreographers, such has Mia Frye and Michel Ressiga.
She was part of the “Paris Entertainment Workers club” and collaborated with other well-known dancers for television programmes, and celebrities coaching, amongst others.
Today she juggles motherhood with her lifelong passion with agility. Her philosophy of sharing and her dedication to body expression and movement creation are testament to her unconditional love for the great art of dance.